
Rickard Squared’s multi-channel approach uses email, cookies and device ID information to target the individuals at the 1 to 1 to 1 level across their devices. High performing, Omni-channel acquisition programs hinge on their ability to reach REAL people – not just cookies – across channels and devices.

How it works

  • We’ll start with your 1st party postal and/or email data to build the audience
  • Data will be on-boarded to associate desktop cookie & mobile devices
  • Enrichment of data by multiple attributes from data overlays, CRM data and behavioral data
  • Data is scored based on likelihood to respond by using multiple sources of online and offline activity and data
  • Custom audience is passed to execution channels – postal, email, display, mobile, social
  • Retargeting is considered (up to 8X boost in conversions)
  • Optimization occurs (recency, frequency, creatives, call to action, etc.) with thoughtful strategies focused on delivering the highest return
  • Report & Measure & Consider Attribution